AGON Group
Team > Frank Dietz
Frank Dietz founded the AGON group in 2008 together with Jürgen Gebhardt among others and is now Managing Director.

He draws on operational experience as Key Account Manager for an IT manufacturer, Managing Director of a media boutique, CEO, COO and CRO of a publicly held, mid-sized manufacturing company, as well as more than 20 years of consulting experience in the industrial sector, most recently as Managing Director of the industrial working group of the Boston Consulting Group. A picture-perfect career for our claim, "Gedacht. Getan."

He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering (Diplom-Ingenieru Maschinenbau) from the University of Karlsruhe and an MBA from IMD Lausanne. He also serves on the Board of a state forestry company and on the Advisory Board of an automotive supplier.

Contact: phone +49-89-9090150.
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